Thursday, December 13, 2012

Post #5 -- An overview of several monuments

Three of my favorite monuments

My favorite monuments in Washington D.C. would have to be Ford's Theatre, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Korean War Veterans memorial.

Ford's Theater

Who: It's the famous theater in which President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.
When: The building was first a church, and it was built in the year 1833.
Where: It is in Washington D.C.
How: It became more famous when Lincoln was murdered in there by John Wilkes Booth.
This monument is significant to me because my favorite president was murdered there.

Lincoln Memorial

Who: This memorial was obviously built for the famous Abraham Lincoln.
When: It was dedicated to President Abraham Lincoln in the year 1922.
Where: It is in front of the Washington memorial, in Washington D.C.
How: It is designed around the late 1800s but wasn't actually built until 1920.
This monument is significant to me because Abraham Lincoln is my favorite president, and he was one of the best presidents and did many great things.

Korean War Veterans Memorial

Who: It is dedicated to all of the soldiers who were killed in action, or are still MIA.
When: It was open to the public in 1995.
Where: It is in Washington D.C., near the Lincoln Memorial and the Vietnam War memorial.
How: They decided to honor those who fought and died in the Korean.
I thought this memorial was significant because it is a really unique memorial.

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